Is your organisational culture luck or design?

Luck changes quickly, especially when you’re growing fast. From your values and mission, pay to policies, social events to management structures, they all impact how people behave, their success, who feels like they belong and who doesn’t.

I take an agile, human centred approach to building people processes, using behavioural science to help you make deliberate choices and measuring your impact, ensuring your culture gives employees the support they need, not leaving it up to chance.

Design for the outcome you need.


I look at employee experience from a UX perspective and ask a really simple question. Does the design lead to the desired outcome?

If you say you are an organisation that values diversity but your leadership all have the same background/skin colour/gender… you have a recruitment or promotions process that isn’t resulting in diverse hiring.

If one of your values is Efficiency, but 90% of everyone’s time is taken up by meetings your employees aren’t experiencing efficiency.

Or maybe you aren’t sure where you need help, and just need someone to make sense of all the noise and identify a path forward?

I can help:

  • Design career development and promotions processes

  • Build DEI and Learning strategies

  • Review existing people processes from a UX and DEI perspective

I’ll work with you to identify a plan of action to design, implement and review to make sure your culture is the one you want, for now and as you grow.

I work on both short term advisory and longer
term project basis.

I’d love to chat about how we can work together.