Insight: Are you addicted to being busy?
Think about it:
How often do you find yourself working when you promised yourself a break?
Have you ever thought, “I wish I could work less” while simultaneously cramming in one more task?
Do you catch yourself saying things like, “I just need to finish this before dinner” or “Next year, I’ll finally take that class... once I have X under control”?
Perspective: Are you making leadership decisions from a place of ego and fear?
When we´re talking about being a leader or an entrepreneur, coaching doesn´t always go deep enough, it moves people forward but doesn´t always raise self-awareness sufficiently, dealing only with what´s conscious, offering short-term fixes and feel-good moments over lasting change.
Insight: Managing how others see you is hurting your career, and your health.
We all want to be viewed positively and engage in 'impression management' to influence others' perceptions. Simplifying or downplaying difficult aspects of a situation or yourself to make it more socially acceptable is sometimes called 'glossing', it´s part of the emotional labor we all do to manage our emotions outwardly to meet the demands of our roles.
Insight: Define yourself by who you are, not what you do
People with performance-based identities tie their self-worth to external achievements. This often leads to anxiety about others' perceptions, with success measured against ever-changing benchmarks and comparison with people's accomplishments. Sound familiar?
Perspective: 4 reasons people need fixing if we are going to fix workplaces
What’s heartbreaking is that people aren’t broken. We are functioning exactly as designed; our ability to adapt is phenomenal. We’re experiencing a natural response to a world not designed for how we operate best.
But I don’t care about fault; it won’t fix it. I can’t wait for someone to realise they have power and take action. In the meantime, I, and you, risk losing valuable years of our lives.